What we offer
After an initial consultation and online assessment, we will provide you with a recommendation based on consult and assessment results.
Our featured courses are WEMT Course (learning) and our Trial Test Courses.
Our Fundamental Learning Course - WEMT
WEMT stands for Writing, English, Mathematics and Thinking Skills. It is a well-structured program to assist students build up their knowledge and skill set across all these subject areas.
Trial Test Course
Our Trial Test Courses allow students to familarise themselves with completing tests in a test environment; the test structure and various styles of questions under exam condition.
We offer Opportunity Placement Trial Tests and Selective Placement Trial Test Courses.
These courses help your child to manage his/her time efficiently, minimise careless mistakes and overcome examination nerves. Students complete weekly practice tests in exam condition with incorrect answers explained after the test.

Benefits of a Trial Test Course
Assists with improving a students’ speed and accuracy of solving questions in exam condition
Weekly Test reports are available which help assist in identifying student’s weak areas, providing feedback to parents on areas which require more focus and attention
Exam tips and techniques are provided throughout the course term
Extra revision and practice questions are available via our online learning portal
Access to some incorrect questions for extra review and practice